About Us

Martha Ovington and Michael Ladd (M&M)

Martha Ovington and Michael Ladd (M&M) formed a consulting company, Marlatek Inc in 1997 by combining experience honed from their respective international teaching and sales management careers.While performing a consulting contract for a European manufacturer of electronic touchfree sanitizer dispensers they came across a very novel and engaging demonstration tool.

That product line was Glo Germ, which at that point was already close to 30 years in the marketplace and had established itself as the #1 teaching tool in hand hygiene and cross contamination training in the USA.

As it turned out the GloGerm Company was seeking a master distributor to service and expand it’s footprint North of The Border.

M&M, both being rather health concious individuals, believed in the motto, that it’s better to be proactive and prevent a health issue than have to react to one! They soon realized that that mindset was congruent with the mission of the GloGerm product system.

As a result soon after M&M gratefully accepted the role of Canadian Master Distributor. They created The GermWise Division to promote GloGerm and other complimentary products to target the Medical, Educational, Foodservice and Consumer sectors.

Thus far the journey has been rewarding and fun. But with ever expanding intercontinental travel and new superbug emergence we are seeing exponential growth in pathogen spread.

Canada currently has among the world’s best technology, most advanced medicines and higly educated professionals to help protect us and yet rising infection rates continue to create unnecessary suffering, death and financial burden

We provide the world’s most preferred products in infection control.

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The facts are that each year in Canada:

More than 220,000 Health Associated Infections (H.A.I.) result in 8,500-12,500 deaths
One in Nine hospital patients get an H.A.I. infection
One in Eight Canadians is affected by a foodborne illness

Clearly these numbers prove that medicine and technology cannot succeed on their own. It’s time to get back to basics!

Our time-tested products deliver immediate results that stay with the trainee throughout their lives. Muscle memory/conditioned responses are a critical part of controlling the spread of tiny, deadly invisible pathogens.

We believe that teaching Infection Control should be simple, easy and fun as well as credible and verifiable. Above all we continue to believe prevention is always the best path.

At GermWise we are honored to play a role in showing Canadians how to be Wise about Germs.